Kristjan Verbič, President of the PanSlovenian Shareholders’ Association, on the sidelines of Gaidar Forum which recently took place at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, gave an interview to Invest Foresight, the event’s strategic media partner, noting significance of the Forum which “brings together people from all around the world”.

As a board member of the European Federation of Investors and President of the Slovenian Association of Investors, Mr Verbič pointed out that “in Southeastern Europe investment climate is quite active, yet persisting anti-Russian sanctions hurt not just trade but also investment activities between Russia and the EU as such, and that influences relations between Russia and Slovenia too.” He also added that “There are signs of possible development in bilateral and regional energy cooperation.”

Commenting on the investment by Russia’s Sberbank in Slovenia’s Mercator/Agrokor, he stressed that “Hopefully, a solution will be found to accommodate interests of Sberbank as economic owner and Mercator as one of the rare and positive systems and groups within Agrokor which is very important for Slovenia too – and the interests of the other side. Misunderstandings between owners and authorities/regulators should be sorted out. We have been working to present information on what is going on and what are the substantial issues relating to this important matter in general.”

European Federation of Investors is interested in expanding and deepening relations with Russian associations of investors, shareholders and business people. As a matter of fact, we have a member from Russia, and we will be glad to strengthen and boost our relations. We would welcome any initiatives of the institutions and agencies of Russia,” Kristjan Verbič said. “Investors from Russia and other former Soviet republics have stronger and stronger presence in Slovenia in the Balkans in general. There is also a visible presence in Slovenia of cultural institutions and there are multiple cultural events supported by the Russian Embassy and really well attended by Slovenians. We are glad to see this.”

“Many Russians have business or investments in Slovenia or just decide to come there to spend several months during summer on the Mediterranean coast, or by lake Bled, or in spa centers that are very popular among Russians. This is an upward trend and I am glad it continues year after year,” Mr Verbič noted. “The relations between the two countries are most friendly.”

“There are also strong relations among scientists – not within just the academic community but also in science connected to business and innovation. New forms of cooperation are being established among research institutions. Slovenia is trying to develop some niche technologies and niche products since for it as a rather small country it is most important to be innovative. Cooperation between Slovenia and Russia in this respect is quite significant but we would like to see more of it,” he concluded.

Medij: Invest Foresight online business magazine

RADIO SLOVENIJA 1 28 02 2020

Po včerajšnji skupščini Sava turizem je bil danes storjen še en korak k pripojitvi hotelov Bernardin in s tem k ustanovitvi novega državnega turističnega holdinga. Zaradi menjave vlade naj ta ne bi bil pod vprašajem, saj gre za projekt gospodarskega ministra Zdravka Počivalška. Kako konkretno bosta potekala konsolidacija in upravljanje turističnih družb uradno še ni znano.

SARA LOTRIČ: Po včerajšnji skupščini Sava turizem je bil danes storjen še en korak k pripojitvi hotelov Bernardin in s tem k ustanovitvi novega državnega turističnega holdinga. Zaradi menjave vlade naj ta ne bi bil pod vprašajem, saj gre za projekt gospodarskega ministra Zdravka Počivalška. Kako konkretno bosta potekala konsolidacija in upravljanje turističnih družb uradno še ni znano, poroča Tjaša Škamperle.

TJAŠA ŠKAMPERLE: Hoteli Bernardin bodo na Savo turizem prenesli premoženje, pravice in obveznosti, tako predvideva pogodba o pripojitvi, o tej so včeraj odločali delničarji Save turizma, danes še hotelov Bernardin. Oboje lastniško obvladuje Sava. Presenečenj danes ni bilo pričakovati, v vseslovenskem združenju malih delničarjev so že včeraj napovedali izpodbojne tožbe in tako tudi danes. Kristjan Verbič.

KRISTJAN VERBIČ (Vseslovensko združenje malih deležnikov): Predvsem iz naslova menjalnega razmerja, ampak želimo dodatno preveriti same pogoje, zaradi pričakovanega izginjanja oziroma iztisnitve manjšinskih delničarjev, kjer bodo v teh družbah izpolnjeni pogoji.

TJAŠA ŠKAMPERLE: V združeni družbi bodo zaposlenih 1300 ljudi. Igor Novel iz portoroškega turističnega združenja meni, da bodo hoteli Bernardin pridobili na finančni moči.

IGOR NOVEL (Portoroško turistično združenje): V hotelirstvu je v zadnjem času zdaj zaradi same prezadolženosti hotelov ni bilo možno biti aktiven lastnik, vse kar so proizvedli so vračali kredite, s to možnostjo bodo lahko postali aktivni lastnik in seveda jaz pričakujem tudi, da tak lastnik se bo zavedal pomena destinacije in bo tudi aktivno sodeloval v destinacijski zgodbi.

TJAŠA ŠKAMPERLE: Sava in Bernardin bosta imela skupaj po šest hotelov ob morju in na Bledu, terme v Moravskih Toplicah, Radencih in na Ptuju. Preden pa bo uresničen načrt pod državno streho konsolidirati osem turističnih podjetij bo svoje povedala še Agencija za varstvo konkurence.

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