Euroshareholders, a confederation of European shareholdersassociations, held a two-day general assembly on 20 and 21June, focusing on single- and tvvo-tier governance. Secretaryof State at the Ministry of the Economy Tomaž Jeršič labelledEuroshareholders a key association since it joins 34 nationalshareholders associations from Europe. In a time of globalisation,it is very vvelcome that individuals and companies join such organisations, the official said at the evenfs opening.Euroshareholders, which represents the interests of EUshareholders, is also one of the key players in the

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RA SLOVENIJA 1, 11.07.2008, DOGODKI IN ODMEVI, 15.30

V Uradu za varstvo konkurence je bila danes ustna javna obravnava prodaje triindvajsetodstotnega deleža Mercatorja avstrijski družbi Raiffeisen Investments. Prodajo so začeli junija, vendar morajo pred končanem dobiti soglasje Urada. Prodajalec Infond Holding je skupaj z avstrijskim kupcem Uradu predstavil prodajno pogodbo in s tem povezana dejstva. Predstavitev je bila odprta za javnost le na začetku, nato so na zahtevo pravnega zastopnika pooblaščenca Infond

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