Euroshareholders, a confederation of European shareholdersassociations, held a two-day general assembly on 20 and 21June, focusing on single- and tvvo-tier governance. Secretaryof State at the Ministry of the Economy Tomaž Jeršič labelledEuroshareholders a key association since it joins 34 nationalshareholders associations from Europe. In a time of globalisation,it is very vvelcome that individuals and companies join such organisations, the official said at the evenfs opening.Euroshareholders, which represents the interests of EUshareholders, is also one of the key players in the

economy ofthe EU and globally, Jersič added. The meeting is an excellentopportunity to arrive at the best solutions for the future. "Onlyby developing our companies vvill we be able to guarantee thedevelopment and competitive ability of the EU's economy," hesaid. Euroshareholders was established in 1992; the SlovenianSmall Shareholders' Association became a member in September2006. According to Kristijan Verbič, the head of the SlovenianSmall Shareholders' Association, the event will be attended byErhard Busek, special co-ordinator of the Stability Pact for SEEurope, and representatives of several big Slovenian companies.The Euroshareholders' vvebsite states that the event will alsoinclude a presentation of economy, investment, strategic anddevelopment possibilities in the country and the willalso give the participants a chance to meet well-known Slovenianand foreign economists and financial experts.

Medij: Sinfo
Avtorji: Ni avtorja
Teme: Vseslovensko združenje malih deležnikov, Kristjan Verbič, mali delničarji
Rubrika / Oddaja: Ostalo
Datum: 11. 07. 2008
Stran: 24