Skupščina NKBM Ljubljana. Predvidoma danes bosklicana skupščina NKBM, td naj bibila 8. julija. Uprava bo od 103 tisočmalih delničarjev zbirala poobla-stila, na seznamu pooblašencevpa ne bo predstavnikov združenjamalih delničarjev. "Očitno so sepogovarjali š figo v žepu," je doga-janje komentiral predsednik zdru-ženja KristijanVerbič. J. Z.

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A Word from the Editor The election campaign is in ful! swing, although only a fewseem to have noticed it. Maybe that is because the issues thatmarked previous election campaigns are curiously absent fromthe public discourse. There has not been much talk about whoreally won the World War II, the communist resistance or theconservative quislings. Some ink has indeed been spilled overa perennial question of ex-president Milan Kučan's allegedstranglehold on the economic and

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