Ht seems like a great sport - yet it may have harmfulconsequences Until 2008 it seemed that Slovenia didnt have anytycoons: you know, those superrich individualswho acquired their wealth in record-breakingtime, typically through shady deals related to the priva-tization process. Yet this spring suddenly the word be-came a part ofeveryday politics. A few months before theparliamentary elections this fall, a fight against these so-called tycoons suddenly became a top

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By Matija Kranjc The introduction ofthe euro has only contributedto the fact that Slovenian banks are becoming increasinglycomparable to their Austrian and Italian counterparts France Arhar, president of Vnicredit Slovenija Slovenian banks performed extremely well in 2007, togetherposting a record 513 million euros in profits before tax. Thiswas up 30 percent on the previous year, while their combinedbalance sheet total jumped by a quarter, to over 42 billion euros,

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