Lately, many shareholders in public limited companies have turned to the PanSlovenian Shareholders' Association (VZMD) and stated that they have received various letters and very strange offers from IGOR ŠTEMBERGER, the CEO and owner of ILIRIKA bornz-posredniška družba, d.d. (a brokerage company). In certain cases, the offered prices for shares were extremely low. In others, they offered shareholders shares of the company ILIRIKA MOJA ZVEZDA, d.d., in exchange for their existing shares, and in some, they even presented two separate offers – either a purchase price or an exchange of stocks. VZMD did not notice that ILIRIKA d.d., which should be taking care of the interests of their clients, warned them that an "exchange" of shares represents a divestiture of old, and an acquisition of new, shares, which can have, among other things, very negative tax consequences for the shareholders at their next sale. 

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DNEVNIK KDD 28 12 2021

Na namenskem računu za prenos na Kad, kjer so zbrani vrednostni papirji iz lastninjenja v začetku 90. let prejšnjega stoletja, na katere so imetniki pozabili, je še za dobrih 13,6 milijona evrov premoženja. Zanimanje za prevzem je ta teden nekoliko upadlo, prenos pa je možen le še do petka.

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