Boris Gramc in Martin Romih' THE ROLE OF BANKSIN CORPORATEGOVERNANCE: THECASE OF GERMANYThe German corporategovernance system haslong been cited as thestandard example ofan insider-conlTolledand stakeholder-oriented system.Despite importantreforms and substantialchanges of individualelements of the Germancorporate governancesystem, the maincharacteristics of thetraditional Germansystem as a whole arestill in place.

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Stanka Sarc Majdič' ACOUISITIONPREMIUMS ON THESLOVENIAN CAPITALMARKETThe text examines andanalyses the acquisitionpremiums in Slovenianstock market.Slovenian stock markethas some specificcharacteristics, suchas low liquidity, smallfree float of sharesand cross-ownership ofshares among friendlyinvestors. 1 haveempirically analysed 72takeovers on Ljubljanastock exchange inthe period from 1999to 2006. The resultsshow the averageacquisition

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