Last Friday in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, saw the end of the three-day Financial Forum of one of the most important European think tanks - EUROFI - which is focused on financial services and primarily strives to strengthen and integrate European financial markets and their related policies. At the invitation of the organizers, the event was traditionally attended by the VZMD President Mr. Kristjan Verbič, who in addition to the lively forum also attended numerous accompanying events, such as gala banquet, where the guests were addressed by Pablo Hernandez de Cos, the Governor of the Bank of Spain and Chairman of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. In parallel with the events, Mr. Verbič participated in many bilateral meetings, among others with Guillaume Prache, the Chairman of the FAIDER, the French federation of investor and life insurance policyholder associations, and Senior Advisor of BETTER FINANCE, the European Federation of Investors and Financial Services Users. On Wednesday, the latter held one of the most resounding keynote speeches - not only about the EU strategy for individual investors, but also about the actual establishment of the capital markets union. A recording of the entire speech:
Novice VZMD
SANTIAGO de COMPOSTELA – Finančni forum EUROFI tudi tokrat s številnimi pomembnimi poudarki za EU, svetovne finance in gospodarstvo, ob aktivni udeležbi VZMD in BETTER FINANCE
V španskem Santiago de Compostela se ravnokar zaključuje 3-dnevni Finančni forum enega najpomembnejših evropskih Think Tankov - EUROFI - ki je posvečen finančnim storitvam ter si v prvi vrsti prizadeva za krepitev in integracijo evropskih finančnih trgov in s tem povezanih politik. Na povabilo organizatorjev se dogajanja tradicionalno udeležuje tudi Predsednik VZMD, mag. Kristjan Verbič, ki se je ob razgibanem forumu udeležil mnogoterih spremljajočih dogodkov, med drugim sinočnjega gala sprejema, kjer je zbrane nagovoril Predsednik Španske centralne banke in Predsednik odbora za bančni nadzor pri Banki za mednarodne poravnave iz Basla, Pablo Hernandez de Cos. Ob robu dogajanja je mag. Verbič opravil tudi številna bilateralna srečanja, med drugim s Predsednikom Francoske federacije investitorjev (FAIDER) in višjim svetovalcem Evropske federacije investitorjev in uporabnikov finančnih storitev (BETTER FINANCE), Guillaume Prachem. Slednji je imel že v sredo enega najodmevnejših osrednjih govorov - ne le o strategiji EU za individualne vlagatelje, temveč tudi o dejanski vzpostavitvi unije kapitalskih trgov. Posnetek celotnega govora bo ekipa objavila v ponedeljek.