
V Euroshareholders - ugledno organizacijo z 18-letno tradicijo in 35 nacionalnimi članicami - se je VZMD vključil julija 2007 v Bruslju ter postal njen polnopravni član septembra 2006 na skupščini v Bukarešti. Gostitelj današnje generalne skupščine in jutrišnje mednarodne investicijske konference je nemško združenje delničarjev (Deutsche Schutzvereinigung für Wertpapierbesitz e.V. - DSW) z direktorico Jello Benner-Heinacher (na fotografiji s predsednikom VZMD, po prejšnji skupščini v Madridu, julija letos). Tokratna skupščina je poleg drugih pomembnih odločitev prinesla spremembe statuta in sprejem turškega združenja delničarjev (BORYAD) v polnopravno članstvo, medtem ko VZMD tudi ob tej priložnosti prejema številne pohvale in dodatne poizvedbe, povezane z dokumentarnim filmom VZMD.TV o predstavitvi Slovenije in uglednih slovenskih družb na največjem evropskem sejmu borznih investicij Actionaria v Parizu in Generalni skupščini Svetovne federacije investitorjev (WFIC): »SLOVENIJA V PARIZU IZJEMNO USPEŠNO«, ki je bil objavljen tudi v angleškem jeziku z naslovom: »SLOVENIA PRAISED IN PARIS - acclaimed presentation of reputable Slovenian companies at the largest European investment convention, Actionaria, and the General Assembly of the World Federation of Investors Corporation (WFIC) - VZMD.TV EXCLUSIVE BROADCAST«.
Kratek izvleček dnevnega reda današnje Generalne skupščine Euroshareholders in jutrišnje 7. mednarodne investitorske konference ter spremljajočih dogodkov, 6. - 7. 12. 2010:
Monday, December 6th, 2010
Kurhaus Wiesbaden
11:00 Euroshareholders Board Meeting
12:30 Lunch
All Euroshareholders members and guests are invited
14:00 Euroshareholders General Assembly
Euroshareholders members only session
- Approval of the agenda
- Approval of the minutes from the General Assembly in Madrid on June 4th, 2010 (resolution item)
- Approval of changes to the Bylaws (resolution item; majority of ľ of full members present or represented required)
- October 8th, 2010 Board Meeting resolutions
- Activity report of the General Secretary
- Financial information: paid and unpaid membership dues
- Membership fees overdue for two years or more
- BORYAD -full membership
- Mid-term business plan
- Designation of the Nomination Committee (2011 board election)
15:30 Euroshareholders General Assembly
Euroshareholders session open to guests
- Recent and upcoming events in Brussels
- Eurovote Project update
- Presentations (max. 15 min. each):
- Mr. Gunther Marder, Aktiespararna, Sweden: “Creating a new form of
mutual fund without duties and with direct ownership for the customer”
- Representative of Actares, Switzerland TBC
- Mr. Alexey Smirnov, UBIR, Russia TBC
- Mr. Paulo Pina da Silva, Policy Adviser, European Issuers, Belgium
- Mr. Paulius Kuncinas, Editorial Director, Oxford Business Group
- Members roundtable (see members’ reports)
- Further meeting in 2011
19:00 Euroshareholders Informal Dinner
All Euroshareholders’ members, guests, and speakers of the DSW’s Seventh International Investors’ Conference invited
Tuesday, December 7th, 2010
DSW’s Seventh International Investors’ Conference
Kurhaus Wiesbaden
09:00 Registration
09:15 Welcome Address from the DSW
09:30 “What will have to change in Europe after the crisis?”
Representative of the EU-Commission, Brussels
10:15 “What did investors learn from the crisis? The new stewardship code”
Marc Joblin, Assistant Director, ABI, London
Moderated by Arthur Crozier, Co-founder and Co-chairman, Lake Isle/Innisfree, USA
10:45 Coffee Break
11:15 “What can investors do to restore market confidence?”
Michelle Edkins, Managing Director and Head of Corporate Governance in Europe, Blackrock, USA
Wilco Van Heteren, specialist Corporate Governance & Sustainability, Robeco, the Netherlands
Georgina Marshall, Regional Head of Corporate Governance, Aviva Investors, UK
Pierre Bollon, General Director, AFG, France
Alison Kennedy, Head of Governance Engagement Standard Life, UK
Moderated by Dr. Herbert Müller, CEO, Ernst & Young, Germany
12:30 Lunch
14:00 “The US class action for European shareholders - new limits by the Supreme Court”
Deborah Sturman, Founder, Sturman LLC Motley Rice, USA
14:30 “Say on pay - does it really help?”
Professor Gunther Friedl, Technical University Munich, Germany
Professor Gerard Mertens, Founder, Shareholder Support, the Netherlands
Dr. Dominique Biedermann, Executive Director, Ethos foundation, Switzerland
Deborah Gilshan, Corporate Governance Counsel, Railpen Investments, UK
Carl Rosen, Executive Director, ICGN, USA
Moderated by Hans-Ulrich Wilsing, Partner, Linklaters, Germany
15:30 Coffee Break
16:00 Company News from Europe
17:00 Keynote Speech - “Diversity - how can we succeed?”
Dr. Simone Bagel-Trah, Chairwoman, Henkel KGaA, Germany
17:30 Panel - “Diversity - how can we succeed?”
Dr. Stella Ahlers, Managing Director, Ahlers, Germany
Jens P. Heyerdahl, CEO, Jens P. Heyerdahl d.y., Norway
Dr. Thomas Sattelberger, Chief Human Resources Officer, Deutsch Telekom, Germany
Joëlle Simon, Ph.D, Director of Legal Affairs, MEDEF, France
Moderated by Jella Benner-Heinacher, Managing Director, DSW, Germany
18:30 Closing Remarks
18:45 Reception
19:15 Euroshareholders’ Award Ceremony
The most shareholder friendly directors’ pay system (DAX 30 and M-DAX) in Germany
19:45 Dinner
Še nekaj relevantnih poročil VZMD.TV - odmevna predstavitev na največjem evropskem sejmu borznih investicij Actionaria, 17. - 20. 11. 2010, mednarodno srečanje investo.si (3. del od štirih) v Ljubljani, 19. - 21. 6. 2008 (1. del od štirih) ter investitorski srečanji v Sofiji in Varšavi junija 2009: