
Dear friends, colleagues, and business partners!

The VZMD associates and I would like to thank you for the numerous concerned calls and letters, your support and willingness to help in the wake of the natural disaster that has so severely struck the great majority of the Slovenian population and a sizable portion of our homeland, its infrastructure, the economy, the agriculture, and the supply of basic commodities. The unprecedented flooding left in its wake a terrible disaster and enormous damage that will be impossible to repair and remedy swiftly.

Of course, any and all help is welcome, which is why our Association – with its strong international presence and activity – decided to make its own contribution and communicate the information of some of the well-established humanitarian and aid organizations to everyone who have already expressed strong willingness to help and to those who might and want to make a contribution in order to aid with the efforts to normalize the situation in our dearest Slovenia as soon as possible.

With kind regards and best wishes,

Kristjan Verbič, VZMD President

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KD 8 8 23 Nasprotni predlog VZMD

Pred dobro uro se je zaključila skupščina družbe KD, d.d., kjer je bilo prisotnega 67,36 % kapitala z glasovalno pravico. Delničarji so odločali predvsem o uporabi 50.848.359,75 € bilančnega dobička - medtem ko je Upravni odbor družbe predlagal delitev dividend v skupni višini 3,9 mio € oz. 25,00 € bruto na delnico, je VZMD podal Nasprotni predlog za delitev skupno 15,6 mio € dividend oz. 100,00 € bruto na delnico. Nasprotni predlog VZMD so podprli le prisotni mali delničarji s 1,54 % glasov in tako je bil naposled sprejet predlog Upravnega odbora.

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